September 11, 2016

One of those "Broken TV" kind of days

Technology ... you can't live with it but you can't live without it ... right?!
You love to hate it!

The background noise of Ninja Turtles, Adventure Time and Kids Halloween Songs from YouTube seem to have been ever growing in the past few weeks and the incecent chaos that it seems to bring was making me wonder if we didn't need to slow down on the tv time that was over taking our house hold.

I would say our family watches as much tv as the next family ... maybe a little less.
We watch for an hour in the morning while getting ready for the day, then maybe a show after school and after the baby goes to sleep for the night we might watch a family show together.
But for some reason the amount of tv time has been slowly growing over the last few weeks.

We have had the tv on for school the last couple weeks while we studied early humans and dinosaurs .. check out a great BBC video  (BBC Walking with Cavemen)
Maybe this extra noise has led to my acclimation .. and because of that I wasn't aware of the encroachment on lunch time and quit time and dinner time. Ugh, the tv seemed to be on all the time.

Well ...
Someone or something noticed ... because Max broke our tv tonight (cracked it down the middle) ..
sad face ..
I wasn't even mad ... it was so cliche .. the WII remote came out of his hands and hit the tv.

We were family bowling ... eating super great bowling nachos (Super Nachos)
Frame 8, a greasy hand and a WII remote just don't go hand in hand (no pun intended LOL)

How can you be mad ...
He was so upset with himself ..

So, we figured out a solution and in the meantime we will be having fun and using our now "free of tv" time to play and post lots of fun recycled STEM activities and games!!

Please comment below if you have any fun GREEN activities we can try .. send us your links!

September 3, 2016

Welcome ...

My name is Shae and I am a homeschooling mom with an adventurous spirit and love for all things wild and GREEN! I have two children who keep me invested and mindful every day of my life.

We are a silly family of four that believe in doing our part, however big or small, to help our planet and those whom we share it with. We believe in having fun ... taking care of ourselves .. and if you work hard you can do whatever you want in your life .. work doesn't have to be work if you LOVE it and learning doesn't have to be hard if its fun!!

 This blog has been a long time in the making and I am so excited to get to meet new people, share our story and our love of family ... we are excited to share our enthusiasm for learning through fun hands on activities .. There are so many simple and small ways that you are your little people can give back to the planet that we live on.

We are excited to talk GREEN with all of you, to hear your ideas and comments and share with you the things we know and the things we have created.  These are fun activities, recipes and ideas that you can do or share with the children that you love ... we hope these activities will help create a love for this Earth and those that you surround yourself with ... one love!

Happy Reading, Crafting, Cooking and Loving 

Pumpkin Pie Creamer

Happy mama, happy life ... right!?
Isn't that what they say?  Well in our house, no matter who it is, we like HAPPY!!

One of the little things that makes this mama happy is PUMPKIN!! Pumpkin everything ... pumpkin cookies, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin granola bars, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin creamer, pumpkin yogurt, pumpkin ice cream ... pumpkin smells and pumpkin lotion.  If it smells, tastes or looks like a pumpkin I am in love with it!!

Today it has been a bit overcast and, lets be honest, we have been patiently (ok not so patiently) waiting for fall to arrive ... to put up our Halloween decorations, to get out our sweaters and to eat, drink and smell PUMPKIN!

This is just our kind of day ... and our kind of gloomy, fall ish day needed something warm and pumpkin! A cake you say? Nope! Cookies? Not even close! 
Hot chocolate and homemade pumpkin pie creamer!!!!!
**Use your left over dry coffee creamer and left over canned pumpkin to make this a recycled pumpkin pie creamer**
**This recipe is not the healthiest but a heck of a mess cheaper than the pumpkin creamer in stores and just as tasty**

Pumpkin Pie Creamer:

 You'll Need:
2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups (left over) dry non-dairy coffee creamer
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
8 tbsp (left over) purred pumpkin

1. Add water to pan and bring to a boil
2. Reduce to medium-low, whisk in sugar, stirring until dissolved
3. Add non-dairy creamer and whisk until dissolved
4. Add pumpkin pie spice, stirring
5. Add pumpkin purre, stirring
6. Let mixture sit over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, for about 3 minutes
7. Remove from heat and pour into blender or food processor
8. Purre through your blender for about 1 minute

When your mixture has cooled pour into storage containers ... we used recycled mason jars (filled almost 2 mason jars) but you can also use recycled creamer bottles.
Refrigerate and use as you would any store bought creamer.